Exclusive Conference of Tanzeem Mashaikh Uzzam Pakistan

This conference was held at Astana Alia Lasani Sarkar Faisalabad under the chairmanship of His holiness Sufi Masood Ahmad Siddiqui Lasani Sarkar

Objectives of the conference:

Boycott all the countries and their products which are involved in the blasphemy of Prophet (PBUH) especially ban all the products and good come from Denmark on publishing blasphemous sketches. We appeal to the whole Muslim Ummah especially business communityto prove to be true Muslim and boycott such countriesfor committing blasphemy.

Head of the Tanzeem Mashaikh Uzzam Pakistan His holiness Sufi Masood Ahmad Siddiqui Lasani Sarkar addressed to the conference:

He said,those who have committed blasphemy to our beloved Prophet (PBUH) are about to vanish from the face of the earth soon and we boycott to all the products come from Demark. We strongly appeal from the whole Muslim Ummah particularly business community to prove to be true Muslim and boycott all these blasphemous countries or such elements as love for Allah and Prophet (PBUH) is the true and precious possession of the Muslim. If we cannot prove our love for our beloved Prophet (PBUH) then Allah Almighty will not be pleased on us. There is only one way to please Allah Almighty which is true love and respect for the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

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