A Dialogue with the Central Consultative Councilof TMUPI (Our Education System advantages and disadvantages)
A dialogue with the central consultative council of the Tanzeem Mushaikh Uzzam Pakistan was held at Lasani Secretariat Astana Alia Lasani Sarkar Faisalabad under the chairmanship of His holiness Sufi Masood Ahmad Siddiqui Lasani Sarkar.
The head of the TMUPI His holiness Sufi Masood Ahmad Siddiqui Lasani Sarkar said “Education system play a key role in the development of any nation”. Our education system can play an important role in the development and prosperity of Pakistan, if there is separate education system rather than co education in our institutions then literacy rate will increase and education standard will be better than now. The government must play its role to finish the co education system in Pakistan therefore to gain the education objectives, eliminate unemployment, restore the sanctity of the ethics, protect the male and female student from confusion and build a strong character in them to achieve high principles.
Attendants of the dialogue jointly said “Islam teaches us Hijab and purity for women and men are ordered to lower their gaze”. Co education is spoiling our young generation it is promoting obscenity and vulgarity in the society. It is a primary duty of the parents to make sure the education of their children is according to Islam; being Muslim we must protect our children from co education. Medical education centers are about physical education so special arrangements should be made to maintain the sanctity of ethics at permanent basis in the medical colleges and universities.